Trendas Sitas * Trisha wayne * TRIXIE HERNANDEZ SCAMMER

This is the case file of Trendas Sitas*Trisha wayne*TRIXIE HERNANDEZ .
If you have information to share regarding her online behavior whether good or bad please do so in the comments.
If you are Trendas Sitas*Trisha wayne*TRIXIE HERNANDEZ you shall address all statements in the comments with your peers.
  • April Antonne Agir-Olis says -
    • reporting a bogus seller Trendas Sitas.. i purchased a dress wed aftrnoon october 5 and paid her right away thru gcash.. 550 with sf..untl now still havnt received d item.. she said she will ship d item d following day thurs oct 6..she even said her couriers lbc/jrs..saturday oct8 i sent her a msg telling her i still dnt have d item , got no reply from her.. later that day i was bloacked from her fb account.. tried to call her, no answer.. here's her info wd gcash:
      Trisha wayne
      21 corazon village tandang sora,qc
      found her name from another bogus seller page.. same thing happened wd another buyer.. but she gave another name TRIXIE HERNANDEZ and address NOVALICHES CITY.. same amount was taken from her..

Jessie Quiros ‎-i wAs aLso sCaMmeD by tReNdas sitas bUt heR naMe is tRisha mAe tan.. is this the saMe peRson?!
shE's seLLinG a&f dResSes foR 450 pEsos..

Scammer Buster correction, beatriz tan, faith lopez tan, kimberly grace tan and now we are adding Tricia Tan

DISCLAIMER: This site is in no way related to the Scammer Buster's Group in Facebook. This site does not wish to accuse nor claim anyone's innocence. These are just case files reported and judged by peers within the online selling's community. This serves only as your reference for your security online. The site owner will not and does not accept retorts or negotiations within this site. If you have been accused and would like to clear your name, visit the "Scammer Busters" Group in Facebook where all the discussions are being held. For your own discretion.


  1. I have been scammed also.

    She gave me her name as Trixie Hernandez, and as I was so eager to have the dresses, I don't have time to do a research about the store. My bad,that it doesn't came to my mind to google it first. So when the payment is done, I seldom receive replies from her.

    I decided to miscall her only to know that her fone is already unattended.

    Then I was worried, she told me that it will be delivered by sat or sunday (nov.12&13,2011) and that was the time I googled her name, and found these blog and some other negative feedback about her.

    *Sigh, never will I going to trust easily on online sites again.

    Btw, I paid her 1200. :(

  2. aprille,

    please contact mr. Scammer Buster and give her the details of your experience, and the gcash no./bank account details that you sent the payment to so we can put it in our records.

  3. ako din nabiktima nya 5 dress worth of 2000 di na naawa WALNG HIYA KA MAKAKRMA K DIN!!!!!!!!!

  4. im also a victim of trendas sitas! i paid her 1900pesos. she uses trisha wayne...

  5. I am also a victim of this trixie hernandez, last december 2011. glamzone closet. I ordered dresses and lipbalms.

    this is the info she gave me: trixie hernandez 28maligaya park subdivision novaliches 09159940584


If you have been scammed by this person, feel free to share your experiences here. If you are this person and you want to clear your name, this is not the venue for you. You may visit the Scammer Busters Group and clear your name there. Thank you very much!